Please use this form if your child has previously attended Cheder Menachem.

Family Name:

Child's First Name: Grade Entering:

Child's First Name: Grade Entering:

Child's First Name: Grade Entering:

Child's First Name: Grade Entering:

Child's First Name: Grade Entering:

Child's First Name: Grade Entering:

Child's First Name: Grade Entering:

Child's First Name: Grade Entering:

I understand that my deposit implies a commitment to Cheder Menachem for the duration of the school year. I will still be required to complete my tuition commitment even if I pull out my child during the course of the year.

I understand that tuition commitment also includes Chanukah Gelt, Tzivos Hashem fees and occasional field trips.

Electronic Signature:

Families who are New Jersey residents:

Under the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A: 58-37.1 et seq., I hereby request the North Brunswick School District to loan textbooks to Cheder Menachem in which my child is enrolled. I certify that my above named child and I are residents of the State of New Jersey; I understand that the Board of Education of the public school district in which the nonpublic school is located with state funding is responsible for providing the loan of textbooks to nonpublic school pupils pursuant to law and regulations.

Electronic Signature:

For your protection and privacy, we request your permission to use your child's picture in publications and/or on the Internet, should we desire.

I give permission to use my child's picture on the Internet and/or in Cheder publications.

I have read and received a copy of the parent handbook and agree to follow Cheder policies and procedures.